
What is a Full Product Life Cycle Analysis?

Shan Vahora
September 5, 2022
5 min read

A full product life cycle analysis is a method of assessing the environmental impact of a product over its entire life span, from raw material extraction to disposal. This type of analysis considers all of the stages of the product's life, including raw material extraction, transportation, manufacturing, distribution, use, and disposal.

To conduct a full product life cycle analysis, you will need to gather information about the environmental impacts associated with each stage of the product's life. This can include emissions of greenhouse gases, water and air pollution, waste generation, and other environmental impacts.

Once you have this information, you can use a life cycle assessment tool to calculate the environmental impact of the product over its entire life span. The tool will take into account the emissions and impacts from each stage of the product's life, and will provide a summary of the overall environmental impact of the product.

One example of a company that has conducted a full product life cycle analysis is Patagonia. The outdoor clothing and gear company has been a leader in sustainability, and has implemented a number of measures to reduce its environmental impact.

To help understand the environmental impact of its products, Patagonia has conducted a full product life cycle analysis for several of its items. For example, the company has analyzed the environmental impact of its R2 Jacket, which is made from recycled materials. The analysis considered the impact of the jacket at each stage of its life, from the extraction of the raw materials to the disposal of the jacket after its useful life.

The analysis showed that the R2 Jacket has a lower environmental impact than a comparable jacket made from new materials. This is because the recycled materials used in the jacket require less energy and water to produce, and generate less waste and pollution. The analysis also showed that the jacket has a smaller carbon footprint than a new jacket, due to the lower emissions associated with the production of recycled materials.

Full product life cycle analysis can be a valuable tool for understanding the environmental impact of a product and identifying opportunities to reduce this impact. It can help companies, governments, and other organizations to make more informed decisions about the products they produce and consume, and to promote sustainability.

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