How can I use Klean to engage with my customers?
Making a tangible impact matters to your customers - and gives them a reason to keep coming back
Offer customers a choice of environmental or social projects to support with their purchase
- Integrate vetted ESG organisations into your customer journey
- Democratise your brands ESG impact, and make every click matter
- Educate your customers on the impact they are making by shopping with your brand
Make your positive impact an integral part of post sale communication
- Keep customers informed on the projects they have supported
- Offer increased impact support alongside your loyalty, discounts and other promotions
- Keep your entire community of impact focussed shoppers coming back again and again
Transparently share your impact
- Provide customers with digestible post sale metrics to better understand their chosen impact
- Embed Klean data widgets into your website to make impact data publicly available
- Tell an authentic ESG story alongside your community of impact focussed consumers